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Download On The App Store Icon

App Store sometimes can't install apps, iCloud icon appearing instead of INSTALL icon, as in the attached screenshot.

  1. Google App Store
  2. Available On App Store

Please tell me how to make the INSTALL icon appear again for these apps, instead of the iCloud icon? It usually appears for some apps that I've uninstalled before and I want to install again.

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This is a Apple App Store Filled icon. We've made it in iOS style, first introduced in iOS version 7 and supported in all later releases up until now (at least iOS 11).This style is based on thin two-pixel lines and is optimized for 50x50 px. Unlike other vector icon packs that have merely hundreds of icons, this icon pack contains 13,300 icons, all in the same style and quality. The Apple App Store icon is one of the always-ending applications on any iPhone or iPod. If you feel that this is missing, then this means it has become misplaced. If you feel that this is missing, then this means it has become misplaced. Nov 7, 2018 - The App Store icon on your iPhone/iPad is suddenly missing? Read this post to learn how to get app store back.

Nb. I have forgotten my iCloud password, but i can use the iPhone that do not use iCloud normally.


1 Answer

The cloud symbol means that the app is associated with your account and has been previously installed using your Apple ID (on any of your devices). If you tap on it the app should start to download to your phone.

Download On The App Store Icon

You may be prompted for your Apple ID password though. If so, without the password you'd be unable to install apps whether they are associated your account already or not.

If so you can go to the link below to try to recover your Apple ID password.

Alistair McMillanAlistair McMillan

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Google App Store

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Available On App Store

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